Friday, August 27, 2010

Welcome to the O.M.A Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to the official blog for the Odette Marketing Association!

This year the OMA has undertaken many new initiatives, that we believe will add value to your marketing studies at the Odette School of Business. This Fall 2010 semester, brings us new opportunities and events as well as a completely re-designed logo and website. But most of all it brings us an entirely new outlook, goal, and vision of where we would like to head in the future. As you may know, this is the first blog for us and we are all excited to provide the most current information and tips about the marketing industry.

Whether you are a new student here or are about to graduate, everyone is anxious to learn about the job market and economy. We hope that through this blog, you gain the knowledge necessary to improve your resume, job search and interview skills, and obtain valuable work/volunteer experience. Employers are always looking for dynamic personalities that have the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to join their team. Our goal is simply to ensure that you get what you need. Joining the OMA will bring you steps closer to fulfilling your educational aspirations. We strongly encourage you to get involved in clubs/organizations in school, so you never miss an opportunity to network with professionals in your field as well as your future colleagues.

What is marketing?

In broadest terms, it is the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.

Why is marketing important for me?

If you are a student enrolled at the Odette School of Business, there is no doubt that you have a mindset to work in a business environment dealing with the selling/purchasing of goods and services. Whether you are an accountant, HR professional, financial analyst, or an entrepreneur, learning key aspects of marketing is beneficial to you. You may encounter situations in which you must market a good, service, idea or most importantly yourself as a professional in your field of work. Whenever you go to an interview, the main purpose is to market/advertise yourself to the potential employer, correct? Now, try and recall everyday situations in which you’ve encountered some aspect of marketing.

How can the OMA help me?

The OMA’s objective is to link you to networking, job and volunteer opportunities to build your career. How do we do this? Throughout the year we organize networking and educational events, trips, as well as social meetings. We also update our website regularly, to provide information about projects OMA is currently involved with and how you can be a part of it all. To learn about our past and upcoming events, visit our website. If you’re looking for a platform to get you started, a time to make a difference in your life – that time is now, here with us.

Feeling that rush yet? The desire to succeed? Ready to show off your creativity, passion and talent?

We’re listening.

Imagine. Dream. Believe. Succeed.

We can get you there!



Post by Sana Zaidi